quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014

cod erros ak 95 gambro

C CB 003, Venous Pressure C CB 003 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 006, Blood Pump Control C CB 006 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 006 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 006 002 ERROR DURING SET DISCRETE PORT Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 007, Art And Ven Clamp Control C CB 007 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 008, Blood Volume C CB 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 008 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 008 002 BLOOD PUMP TACHO ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump tacho count-up value is incorrect Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Tacho count up value is out of limit (<0 or >20000) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken C CB 009, Blood Flow C CB 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 009 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 009 002 DELTA TIME ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Timing error. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The time between the two last blood flow measurements was out of range. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error. - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 009 003 NUMBER OF TACHO PULSES ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: The number of counted blood pump tacho pulses is incorrect. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Either 0 or more than 10000 tacho pulses have been counted since the last time the blood flow was measured Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between tacho and BM I/O board - Blood pump error (blood pump stopped) - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 009 004 MEASURED BLOOD FLOW OUT OF LIMITS Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The measured blood flow has differed too much from the blood flow set value. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - BRI(BI_BloodFlActSet) - BRI(BI_BloodFl) < -600 or BRI(BI_BloodFlActSet) - BRI(BI_BloodFl) > 600 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The blood pump unit is broken - The BM I/O board is broken (Q1-Q4 and components) - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 010, Heparin Pump C CB 010 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 010 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Conditional error, confirm by zero-set heparin flow General description of conditions for occurring: - The heparin pump timer is not working properly Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 010 002 ESTIMATED AND MEASURED HEPARIN VOL. DIFFER TOO MUCH Conditional error, confirm by zero-set heparin flow General description of conditions for occurring - The measured accumulated heparin volume differ more than 2 ml from the estimated accumulated volume. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - BRI(BI_MeasVol)-BRI(BI_EstAcc)<=-2 or (BRI(BI_MeasVol)-BRI(BI_EstAcc)>=2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The heparin pump encoder is broken - The heparin pump belt is broken - Bad connection between heparin pump encoder and BM I/O board - IC 5 on BM I/O board broken - IC 48 on protective CPU board broken - IC 29 or IC 34 on control driver board broken C CB 011, Stroke Volume C CB 011 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 011 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CB 011 002 NUMBER OF BLOOD PUMP TACHO PULSES ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump tacho count-up value is incorrect Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Tacho count up value is out of limit (<0 or >20000) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken C CB 014, Single Needle Time Control C CB 014 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 014 001 ARTERIAL PHASE TIME OUT OF LIMITS ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 014 002 VENOUS PHASE TIME OUT OF LIMITS ERROR. Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 015, Auto Rinse Back C CB 015 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 016, Auto Priming C CB 016 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 017, Blood Pressure Meter C CB 017 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CB 017 001 Error received from BPM General description of conditions for occurring: - Broken Blood Pressure module C CC 002, Preset Variable Storage C CC 002 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 002 001 DEFAULT PRESET ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The new variables could not be set to default values after a program change Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CC 002 002 PRESET VARIABLE CHECKSUM ERROR (INIT) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: -The preset variable checksum was incorrect during init (start-up) phase. Make a default preset. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Broken safe-RAM (battery-RAM) C CC 002 003 PRESET VARIABLE CALCULATION ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - During start-up was detected that the preset varibles need to be recalculated. Make a default preset, or use external preset to represet the machine Technical description of conditions for occurring: - EL(EEL_PrsMustCalculate)=TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The preset write phase was aborted (external preset) - The preset calculation phase was aborted (external preset) C CC 002 006 PRESET VARIABLE CHECKSUM ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: -The preset variable checksum was incorrect after init phase. If C CC 002 002 has occurred during init, then C CC 002 006 will also occur, following init. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Broken safe-RAM (battery-RAM) C CC 004, MM95 A/D Conversion C CC 004 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 004 001 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 004 002 MM95 A/D CONVERTER BUFFER POINTER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The MM95 A/D converter interrupt function puts data in a buffer and increments an input pointer. The MM95 A/D converter function fetches data from that buffer and increments an output pointer. One of these pointers had an incorrect value. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC21 on control CPU board is broken - RAM error C CC 004 003 MM95 A/D CONVERTER OFFSET ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The zero voltage value was outside limits Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - A/D converter IC 9 on MM I/O board is broken - No connection between MM I/O board and control CPU board (signal CADFQ) C CC 004 004 MM95 A/D CONVERTER REFERENCE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The reference voltage value was outside limits Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - A/D converter IC 9 on MM I/O board is uncalibrated - A/D converter IC 9 on MM I/O board is broken - No connection between MM I/O board and control CPU board (signal CADFQ) C CC 004 005 MM95 TIMER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The MM95 timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 21 on the control CPU board is broken. C CC 005, Analog Connection Check C CC 005 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 005 001 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 006, Monitor Board Temperature CC 006 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error CC 006 001 MONITOR TEMPERATURE TOO HIGH. Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: The temperature inside the monitor is above 60 degree C Technical description of conditions for occurring: BRI(BI_MonitorTemp) >60 degree C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The fan has stopped - Dirty air filter C CC 007, Data Recovery C CC 007 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 008, Transducer Parameter Init C CC 008 001 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM UF CELL Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between UF cell and control driver board (P402). - Incorrect transducer ID. Update transducer ID (I2C scan). - UF cell EEPROM broken - Serial bus error on control CPU board, or I/O SIMM problem (P310) C CC 008 100 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM REG. TEMP. Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and FM I/O board - No connection between FM I/O board and control driver board - Transducer board mounted in incorrect position on FM I/O board - Incorrect transducer ID. Update transducer ID (I2C scan). - EEPROM on transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on control CPU board, or I/O SIMM problem (P310) - Uncalibrated transducer. Calibrate transducer - Broken FM I/O board C CC 008 101 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM REG. TEMP. (HEAT) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 100 C CC 008 102 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM DEGASS PRESSURE Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 100 C CC 008 103 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR HIGH PRESSURE GUARD Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 100 C CC 008 104 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR COND A TEMP. Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer and MM95 I/O board - Incorrect connection between transducer and MM95 I/O board - No connection between MM95 I/O and control CPU board - Incorrect transducer ID. Update transducer ID (I2C scan). - EEPROM on transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on control CPU board, or I/O SIMM problem (P310) - Uncalibrated transducer. Calibrate transducer - Broken MM95 I/O board C CC 008 105 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR COND A TEMP. (HEAT) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 104 C CC 008 106 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR COND A Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 104 C CC 008 107 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR COND B TEMP. Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 104 C CC 008 108 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR COND B TEMP. (HEAT) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 104 C CC 008 109 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR COND B Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Refer to error description for C CC 008 104 C CC 008 110 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR MM95 A/D REF Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between MM95 I/O and control CPU board - Incorrect transducer ID. Update transducer ID (I2C scan). - EEPROM on transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on control CPU board, or I/O SIMM problem (P310) - Uncalibrated transducer. Calibrate transducer - Broken MM95 I/O board C CC 008 111 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FOR VENOUS PRESSURE Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and BM I/O board - No connection between BM I/O board and control driver board - Transducer board mounted in incorrect position on BM I/O board - Incorrect transducer ID. Update transducer ID (I2C scan). - EEPROM on transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on control CPU board, or I/O SIMM problem (P310 - Uncalibrated transducer. Calibrate transducer - Broken BM I/O board C CC 010, A/D Conversion C CC 010 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CC 010 001 A/D CONVERTER BUFFER POINTER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Data have not been read from A/D converter (IC 20) on the control driver board. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The A/D converter interrupt function should have stored A/D converter data in a buffer and should have changed the value of adInPtr to a value that is not the same as adOutPtr. The A/D converter interrupt routine had not executed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred - The A/D converter IC 20 on the control driver is broken - The PAL IC 28 on the control CPU board is broken - The inverter IC 4 on the control driver board is broken - The interrupt controller IC 52 on the control CPU board is broken (N.E.: the CPU IC 10 on control CPU board is broken) C CC 010 002 AK 95 A/D CONVERTER OFFSET ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The zero voltage value was outside limits Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - A/D converter IC 20 on control driver board is broken C CC 010 003 AK 95 A/D CONVERTER REFERENCE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The reference voltage value was outside limits Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - A/D converter IC 20 on control driver board is uncalibrated - A/D converter IC 20 on control driver board is broken C CC 010 004 AK 95 AD REFERENCE VOLTAGE INIT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The CPU C A/D converter reference value was corrupt Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - This error will show up on first start with new safe-RAM. Calibrate A/D converter and restart AK 95. C CF 001, Inlet Valve C CF 001 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 002, Direct Valve C CF 002 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 003, Disinfection/Rinse Valves C CF 003 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 004, Taration Valve C CF 004 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 005, Dia connector sensor C CF 005 001 DIA CONNECTOR SENSORS ERROR IN SAGS TEST (SENSORS TEST) General description of conditions for occurring: - Dia connector sensors are not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - During the dia connector sensors test the operator was asked to remove from or attach the connectors to the safety bypass block 3 times. After operators confirmation about the removing or attaching the dia connectors, no confirmation about it from dia connector sensors had come. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - IC 28 board K16646 may be broken. - The mechanical dia connector sensors may be stucked. C CF 006, High Pressure Guard Transducer C CF, 006 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 006 001 HIGH PRESSURE DURING SAGS TEST Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - High pressure in monitor during SAGS test. Main flow through RIVA. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_HPGPr)>450mmHg for more than 5 seconds Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - RIVA unable to open - Fluid path obstruction - HPG broken/uncalibrated C CFF 006 002 HIGH PRESSURE DURING FUNCTION CHECK Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - High pressure in monitor during function check Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_HPGPr)>450mmHg for more than 1,5 seconds Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Fluid path obstruction - HPG broken/uncalibrated C CFF 006 003 UNSTABLE DEGASSING PRESSURE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Unstable degassing pressure during function check. The degassing pressure has been measured twice with an interval of 15 seconds. The difference between the two measurements was more than 20mmHg Technical description of conditions for occurring: - oldDegassPr - FRI(FI_DegassPr) ) < -20mmHg or - oldDegassPr - FRI(FI_DegassPr) ) > 20mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Leakage on top of degassing chamber. Check the o-ring - Unstable/broken degassing transducer - RIVA leakage C CFF 006 004 TOO BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HPG AND DEGASS PRESSURE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between HPG and degassing pressure has been too big during function check of degassing transducer. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_HPGPr) - FRI(FI_DegassPr) <-20mmHg or - FRI(FI_HPGPr) - FRI(FI_DegassPr) >10mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Uncalibrated/broken degassing pressure transducer C CF 007, Heater Enable C CF 007 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 007 001 HEATER SWITCH OFF ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 007 002 HEATER SWITCH ON ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 008, Heater Regulator, Disinfection/Rinse mode C CFD 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFF 008, Heater Regulator, Function Check C CFF 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 008, Heater Regulator C CFM 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 008 001 FAIL TO INITIATE HEATER TIMER Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 21 on the control CPU board is broken. C CFM 008 002 FAILED TO LOAD HEATER TIMER Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 21 on the control CPU board is broken. C CFM 008 006 HEATER EFFICIENCY CHECK ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 008 007 REGULATOR TEMP SUPERVISION ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Regulator temperature differ too much from temp. in conductivity cell A. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_RegTemp) < 2 degree C and FRI(FI_MM90CondTempA) > 10 degree C (for more than 4 seconds) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between regulator temp. board and FM I/O board - Broken regulator temp. transducer C CFS 008, Heater Regulator, Service Mode C CFS 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 008, Heater Regulator, Treatment Mode C CFT 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 009, Flow Pump Regulator, Disinfection Mode C CFD 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFF 009, Flow Pump Regulator, Function Check C CFF 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFF 009 001 FLOW PUMP CURRENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Flow pump current too low Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_FlowPumpCurrent) < 50mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in flow pump - Broken/unconnected flow pump - The flow pump is decoupled. FRL(F_FlowPumpDecoupl)=TRUE ( The flow pump could not follow the flow pump motor rotation. The magnetic coupling disconnected the pump from the motor. The pump might be dirty or the flow path might be blocked). - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CFF 009 002 DEGASS PRESSURE CONTROL ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow pump could not create the preset degassing pressure Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_DegassPr) + EI(EEI_DegassPr) < -60mmHg or FRI(FI_DegassPr) + EI(EEI_DegassPr) > 60mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - DRVA leakage - Flow pump/motor broken - The preset degassing pressure is too low - The degassing pressure transducer is broken - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CFM 009, Flow Pump Regulator C CFM 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 009 001 FLOW PUMP CURRENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Flow pump current too high Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_FlowPumpCurren) > 1500mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Pump motor broken - Broken control driver board (R10, R11, R13, C20) - Broken control driver board A/D system (IC17, IC18, IC20 and components) C CFS 009, Flow Pump Regulator, Service Mode C CFS 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 009 001 FLOW PUMP CURRENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Flow pump current too low Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_FlowPumpCurrent) < 50mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in flow pump - Broken/unconnected flow pump - The flow pump is decoupled. FRL(F_FlowPumpDecoupl)=TRUE ( The flow pump could not follow the flow pump motor rotation. The magnetic coupling disconnected the pump from the motor. The pump might be dirty or the flow path might be blocked). - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CFS 009 002 DEGASS PRESSURE CONTROL ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow pump could not create the preset degassing pressure Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_DegassPr) > -(EI(EEI_DegassPr)-60)mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - DRVA leakage - Flow pump/motor broken - The preset degassing pressure is too low - The degassing pressure transducer is broken - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CFS 009 004 UNSTABLE MAIN FLOW Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Unstable main flow during UF cell calibration Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The main flow has been outside limit (+/- 5ml/min) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken UFcell - Leakage in fluid path - Air in fluid path - The flow pump is decoupled. FRL(F_FlowPumpDecoupl)=TRUE ( The flow pump could not follow the flow pump motor rotation. The magnetic coupling disconnected the pump from the motor. The pump might be dirty or the flow path might be blocked). - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CFT 009, Flow Pump Regulator, Treatment Mode C CFT 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 009 001 DEGASS PRESSURE CONTROL ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow pump could not create the preset degassing pressure Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_DegassPr) > -(EI(EEI_DegassPr)-60)mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - DRVA leakage - Flow pump/motor broken - The preset degassing pressure is too low - The degassing pressure transducer is broken - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CFT 009 002 FLOW PUMP CURRENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Flow pump current too low Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_FlowPumpCurrent) < 50mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in flow pump - Broken/unconnected flow pump - The flow pump is decoupled. FRL(F_FlowPumpDecoupl)=TRUE ( The flow pump could not follow the flow pump motor rotation. The magnetic coupling disconnected the pump from the motor. The pump might be dirty or the flow path might be blocked). - Broken control driver board (IC24, L2, Q1 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) (N.E.: Broken control CPU board, IC10) C CF 010, Overheat Supervision C CF 010 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 014, Suction Pump Regulator, Disinfection Mode C CFD 014 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFF 014, Suction Pump Regulator, Function Check C CFF 014 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 014, Suction Pump Regulator C CFM 014 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 014 001 SUCTION PUMP CURRENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Suction pump current too high Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_SucPumpCurrent) > 1500mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Pump motor broken - Broken control driver board (R14, R15, R16, C24) - Broken control driver board A/D system (IC17, IC18, IC20 and components) C CFS 014, Suction Pump Control, Service Mode C CFS 014 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 014, Suction Pump Control, Treatment Mode C CFT 014 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 018, Suction Pump Control, Disinfection Mode C CFD 018 001 CURRENT TEST ERROR, DRVA VALVE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through the DRVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened. The current difference has not been large enough. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent) - refCurrent < 200mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/unconnected magnet on DRVA valve - Broken control driver board (Q4, V3) - DRVA is not connected and the preset “Set flow installed” is set to “not installed”. C CFF 018, Valve Current Measuring, Function Check C CFF 018 002 CURRENT TEST ERROR, AIVA VALVE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through the AIVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened. The current difference has not been large enough. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent) - refCurrent < 200mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/unconnected magnet on AIVA valve - Broken control driver board (Q2, V2) C CFF 018 004 BUBBLE CHAMBER (DEAIRATING CHAMBER) ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - AIVA and REVA opened. Suction pump active and fluid tubes connected to safety bypass. Low level in bubble chamber is not achieved within 90 sec. The status from level sensor indicates high level in chamber Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRL(P_BubbleTrapHigh)=TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The AIVA or REVA could not be opened - Broken float in bubble chamber - Broken protective driver board (IC28) C CFF 018 005 BUBBLE CHAMBER (DEAIRATING CHAMBER) ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - AIVA and REVA opened. Suction pump active and fluid tubes connected to safety bypass. Low level in bubble chamber is not achieved within 90 sec. The status from level sensor indicates middle level in chamber. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRL(P_BubbleTrapHigh)=FALSE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The AIVA or REVA could not be opened - Broken float in bubble chamber - Broken protective driver board (IC28) C CFF 018 006 NOT POSIBLE TO REGULATE HPG PRESSURE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Impossible to regulate HPG to -100mmHg in AIVA test (120 sec. test-time) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_HPGPR) could not be regulated to -100mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Broken suction pump - Broken control CPU board (IC4, IC5, Q12 and components) C CFF 018 007 CURRENT TEST ERROR , FIVA VALVE (1) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through FIVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened, despite the UFD has been preseted NotInst. The current difference has been large enough in order to detect that FIVA valve is installed Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent)-refCurrent > 200mA and not EL(EEL_UfdInstalled). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The UFD has been preseted NotInst instead of Inst, despite the FIVA valve and consequently the UFD is installed C CFF 018 008 CURRENT TEST ERROR , FIVA VALVE (2) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through FIVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened, with the UFD preseted Inst. The current difference has not been large enough. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent)-refCurrent < 200mA and EL(EEL_UfdInstalled). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/unconnected magnet on FIVA valve. - Broken control driver board (Q10, V12). - The UFD has been preseted Inst instead of NotInst, despite there is no FIVA valve and consequently no UFD installed C CFD 018 009 CURRENT TEST ERROR, DRVA VALVE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through the DRVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened. The current difference is too big Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent) - refCurrent > 200mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken control driver board - DRVA is connected and the preset “Set flow installed” is set to “installed”. C CFT 018, Valve Current Measuring, Function Check C CF 018 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 018 001 CURRENT TEST ERROR, DRVA VALVE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through the DRVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened. The current difference has not been large enough. - This error code is not used in program version 3.00 and later Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent) - refCurrent < 200mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/unconnected magnet on DRVA valve - Broken control driver board (Q4, V3) C CFT 018 002 CURRENT TEST ERROR, AIVA VALVE Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The current through the AIVA valve has been measured with valve closed and then with valve opened. The current difference has not been large enough. - This error code is not used in program version 3.00 and later Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRI(FI_ValvesCurrent) - refCurrent < 200mA Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/unconnected magnet on AIVA valve - Broken control driver board (Q2, V2) C CFT 018 003 BUBBLE CHAMBER (DEAIRATING CHAMBER) ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - AIVA and REVA opened. Suction pump active and fluid tubes connected to safety bypass. Low level in bubble chamber is not achieved within 90 sec. NOTE: This error code is not used in programs later than version P2.04. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRL(P_BubbleTrapLow)=FALSE after 90 seconds Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The AIVA or REVA could not be opened - Broken float in bubble chamber - Broken protective driver board (IC28) C CFD 020, Flow Meter, Disinfection Mode C CFD 020 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFF 020, Flow Meter, Function Check C CFF 020 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 020, Flow Meter C CFM 020 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 020 002 UF TIMER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The UF timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CFM 020 003 VFC CHANNEL 1 PULSE COUNTER OVERFLOW Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The pulse counter for VFC channel 1 has counted up to its max. value Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The VFC, (voltage to frequency) IC 14 on control driver board, or some component around it, is broken. C CFM 020 004 VFC CHANNEL 2 PULSE COUNTER OVERFLOW Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The pulse counter for VFC channel 2 has counted up to its max. value Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The VFC, (voltage to frequency) IC 15 on control driver board, or some component around it is broken C CFM 020 005 UF TIMER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The UF timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CFM 020 006 VFC CHANNEL 1 REFERENCE MEASUREMENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The VFC channel 1 has been connected to the reference voltage. The pulse counter (IC23 counter 3, control driver board) has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when the reference voltage is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: VFC1.VALUE > 0.86241*VFC1.OFFSET for 2s OR VFC1.VALUE < 0.82859*VFC1.OFFSET for 2s VFC1.OFFSET = VFC value when 0V is connected. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The VFC, (voltage to frequency) IC 14 on control driver board, or some component around it is broken - IC 23 broken (control driver board) C CFM 020 007 VFC CHANNEL 2 REFERENCE MEASUREMENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The VFC channel 2 has been connected to the reference voltage. The pulse counter (IC23 counter 4, control driver board) has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when the reference voltage is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: VFC2.VALUE > 0.86241*VFC2.OFFSET for 2s OR VFC2.VALUE < 0.82859*VFC2.OFFSET for 2s VFC2.OFFSET = VFC value when 0V is connected. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The VFC, (voltage to frequency) IC 15 on control driver board, or some component around it is broken - IC 23 broken (control driver board) C CFM 020 008 VFC CHANNEL 1 OFFSET MEASUREMENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The VFC channel 1 has been connected to 0V. The pulse counter has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when 0V is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: VFC1.VALUE has been outside the allowed interval 6907-10907 for 2s Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The VFC, (voltage to frequency) IC 14 on control driver board, or some component around it is broken - IC 23 broken (control driver board) C CFM 020 009 VFC CHANNEL 2 OFFSET MEASUREMENT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The VFC channel 2 has been connected to 0V. The pulse counter has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when 0V is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: VFC2.VALUE has been outside the allowed interval 6907-10907 for 2s Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The VFC, (voltage to frequency) IC 15 on control driver board, or some component around it is broken - IC 23 broken (control driver board) C CFM 020 010 MEASURED MAGNETIZATION CURRENT INCORRECT Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Measured magnetization current differs to much from typical value. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - UF coil current is outside the limits 0.18 A - 0.28 A for 5 seconds. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - UF cell broken - Bad connection between UF cell and control driver board - Broken control driver board C CFM 020 011 UF CELL TARATION NOT APPROVED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - A self calibration (taration) was run. It failed as the values of the variables FRR(FR_UFRTOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFROFFSET) had changed too much since the last self calibration. A new self calibration was run after 5 minutes. It did also fail for the same reason. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - CalibrDiffFlowNew differed more than 1 ml/min from CalibrDiffFlowOld A new self calibration was done after 5 minutes. CalibrDiffFlow again differed more than 1.0 ml/min from CalibrDiffFlowNew AND CalibrDiffFlow again differed more than 1.0 ml/min from CalibrDiffFlowOld Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - UF cell broken or dirty - There is air through the UF cell - Leakage through: RIVA, ZEVA, DIVA or TAVA C CFM 020 012 UF CELL TARATION NOT APPROVED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - A self calibration (taration) was run. It failed as the value of the variable FRR(FR_UFRTOLERANCE) differed too much from the value that was stored in the EEPROM or estimated at the last performed self calibration. Technical description of conditions for occurring: CALIBR DIFF FLOWnew differed more than 7.5 ml/min from CALIBR DIFF FLOWold Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - UF cell broken or dirty - There is air through the UF cell - Leakage through: RIVA, ZEVA, DIVA or TAVA C CFM 020 014 TOO LOW SELF CALIBRATION FLOW Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow measuring unit measured a flow through channel 1 that was less than 100 ml/min during self calibration (taration). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - FRR(FR_CH1RATE) < 100.0 ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Uncalibrated or broken. pressure regulator - Dirty flow restrictor. - Dirty outlet restrictor - Dirty or broken flow pump:. - Dirty or broken suction pump. - Broken or uncalibrated degassing pressure transducer. - ZEVA: leakage - RIVA: leakage C CFM 020 015 UNSTABLE FLOW SIGNALS DURING SELF CALIBRATION Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The self calibration (taration) failed because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much. A new self calibration that was done 5 minutes later did also fail because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Variance of the flow signals were calculated The differential flow during either the offset calibration or during the differential flow varied too much Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air is flowing through flow channel 1. There is too much air in the inlet water - Valves: RIVA, ZEVA, diva or TAVA are leaking - Flow cell: the flow cell is dirty. - Flow cell: the flow cell is broken - Flow restrictor: the restrictor is dirty - Flow pump: the pump is not working properly - Degassing chamber: the o-ring at the top of the chamber is not in its correct position. fluid is leaking. - Degassing pressure transducer: not working properly. C CFM 020 016 SELF CALIBRATION TIME OUT Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The self calibration (taration) executed for a too long time. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Self calibration time > max. self calibration time (max. self calibration time = 15s - 68s) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Secondary error to the error C CFM 020 006 - Secondary error to the error C CFM 020 007 - Secondary error to the error C CFM 020 008 - Secondary error to the error C CFM 020 009. C CFM 020 017 VFC CALIBRATION TIME OUT (VFC1 OFFSET). Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Please refer to the description of C CFM 020 008 C CFM 020 018 VFC CALIBRATION TIME OUT (VFC2 OFFSET). Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Please refer to the description of C CFM 020 009 C CFM 020 019 VFC CALIBRATION TIME OUT (VFC1 REFERENCE). Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Please refer to the description of C CFM 020 006 C CFM 020 020 VFC CALIBRATION TIME OUT (VFC2 REFERENCE). Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Please refer to the description of C CFM 020 007 C CFM 020 021 MEASURED MAGNETIZATION CURRENT INCORRECT Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Please refer to the description of C CFM 020 010 C CFM 020 024 UNSTABLE SIGNAL DURING UF CELL CALIBRATION General description of conditions for occurring: - The UF cell calibration failed because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air is flowing through flow channel 1. There is too much air in the inlet water - Valves: RIVA, ZEVA, diva or TAVA are leaking - Flow cell: the flow cell is dirty. - Flow cell: the flow cell is broken - Flow restrictor: the restrictor is dirty - Flow pump: the pump is not working properly - Degassing chamber: the o-ring at the top of the chamber is not in its correct position. fluid is leaking. - Degassing pressure transducer: not working properly. C CFM 020 025 UNSTABLE SIGNAL DURING UF OFFSET CALIBRATION Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The channel 1 flow signal and the channel 2 flow signal varied too much during the main flow offset calibration in service mode. There should be no flow through the measuring cells. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The variance of the channel 1 flow and the variance of the channel 2 flow were out of limit Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The flow cell is dirty - The flow cell is broken - BYVA/DIVA/TAVA leakage C CFM 020 029 UF CALIBRATION REFERENCE VOLUME OUT OF LIMIT Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The reference volume was outside its specified limits during the UF calibration in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: ORI(OI_UFCalRefVol) < PI(EPI_UFCalRefVolLl) or ORI(OI_UFCalRefVol) > PI(EPI_UFCalRefVolHl) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Memory RAM corrupt C CFM 020 030 CASE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 020 031 CASE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 020 032 CASE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 020 033 UF PULS TIMER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The UF pulse timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. C CFM 020 034 UF INTERRUPT TIMER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The UF interrupt timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 23 on the control driver board is broken. C CFM 020 035 VFC BUFFER FULL ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The UF interrupt procedure has filled the VFC data buffer. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Software error - The timer IC 23 on the control driver board is broken. - The interrupt controller is broken C CFM 020 036 VFC BUFFER OVERFLOW ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Software error C CFM 020 037 MUX MISMATCH OCCURRED TOO MANY TIMES Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Software error C CFM 020 038 MUX ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Software error C CFM 020 039 UNSTABLE FLOW SIGNALS DURING SELF CALIBRATION REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 8.00 Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The self calibration (taration) failed because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much. A new self calibration that was done 5 minutes later did also fail because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Variance of the flow signals were calculated The flow through one or both of the UF channels during the differential flow calibration stage varied too much. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air is flowing through flow channel 1. There is too much air in the inlet water - Valves: RIVA, ZEVA, diva or TAVA are leaking - Flow cell: the flow cell is dirty. - Flow cell: the flow cell is broken - Flow restrictor: the restrictor is dirty - Flow pump: the pump is not working properly - Degassing chamber: the o-ring at the top of the chamber is not in its correct position. fluid is leaking. - Degassing pressure transducer: not working properly. - This error code occurs if an internal UF-calibration is made in P5.00, P6.00 or P7.00 C CFT 020, Flow Meter, Treatment Mode C CFT 020 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 020 001 INCORRECT FLOW FROM CHANNEL 2 Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: Flow deviation in channel 2 Technical description of conditions for occurring: The flow deviation in channel 2 (compared with channel 1 + UF-rate) exceeded 100ml/min for 30 seconds a second time during the same treatment. The first Time this occur, a forced taration is performed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: UF-cell broken C CF 021, UF Rate Filter C CF 021 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 022, UF Rate Regulator C CF 022 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 023, Dia Pressure, Service Mode C CFS 023 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 026, UF Volume Accumulation, Treatment Mode C CFT 026 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 027, Disinfection Valves C CF 027 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 028, MM95, Cond. Control, Disinfection Mode C CFD 028 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFD 028 001 TOO LOW CHEMICAL MIXING RATIO Unconditional error General description of conditions for occurring: - The chemical mixing ratio is too low. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - ORI(OI_ChemMixRatio) < 9 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Incorrect preset of concentration preset (Preset 6-0-0-10, 6-0-1-10, 6-0-2-10 or 6-1-1-9). - Internal software error C CFF 028, MM95, Cond. Control, Function Check C CFF 028 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 028, MM95, Cond. Control C CFM 028 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFM 028 001 CONCENTRATE PUMP TIMER ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The concentrate pump timer is not working properly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 21 on the control CPU board is broken. C CFM 028 002 CONFIGURATION ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 028, MM95, Cond. Control, Service Mode C CFS 028 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 028, MM95, Cond. Control Treatment Mode C CFT 028 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 029, Fluid composition supervision C CF 029 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 030, Remaining Disinfection Time Calculation C CF 030 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 031, Bicart Valve C CF 031 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 032, AK95, UF Logging C CF 032 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 033, UF Gain Control C CFT 033 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 050, Communication C CFS 050 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 068, UF calibration box mode function C CFS 068 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 068 001 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 068 002 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 068 003 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 068 004 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFS 068 005 SET DISCRETE PORT ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 069, Disinfection control C CFT 069 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CFT 080, Variable flow control C CFT 080 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CF 080 001 VARIABLE FLOW CALIBRATION VALUE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: -The checksum of the EEPROM of control CPU is incorrect Make a default preset, restart the machine and calibrate the variable flow motor. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken safe-RAM (battery-RAM) C CF 080 002 VARIABLE FLOW CALIBRATION VALUE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: -The calibrated variable flow motor value was out of range. It has been automatically changed to a default value. Make a default preset, restart the machine and calibrate the variable flow motor. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Broken safe-RAM (battery-RAM) C CF 080 003 VARIABLE FLOW HISTORY UPDATE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: -The variable flow history could not be updated due to some reason below. -The checksum of the EEPROM of control CPU is incorrect. Make a default preset, restart the machine and calibrate the variable flow motor. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken safe-RAM (battery-RAM) C CF 080 004 VARIABLE FLOW CALIBRATION VALUE UPDATE ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: -The calibrated value for the variable flow history could not be updated due to some reason below. -The checksum of the EEPROM of control CPU is incorrect. Make a default preset, restart the machine and calibrate the variable flow motor. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken safe-RAM (battery-RAM) C CO 001, E2PROM SCAN C CO 001 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 002, Key Board C CO 002 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 002 001 DISC. I/O ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 003, Venous Pressure Bargraph C CO 003 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 004, Blood Flow Bargraph C CO 004 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 005, Conductivity Bargraph C CO 005 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 006, Temperature Bargraph C CO 006 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 009, UF Volume Bargraph C CO 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 010, UF Rate Bargraph C CO 010 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 010 001 DISC. I/O ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 011, ON/OFF Lamp C CO 011 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 012, Rinse Lamp C CO 012 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 013, Reset Lamp C CO 013 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 015, Isol UF Mode Lamp C CO 015 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 016, Volume Control Mode Lamp C CO 016 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 019, Single Needle Limits Lamp C CO 019 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 022, Heparin Lamp C CO 022 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 023, Time Lamp C CO 023 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 026, UF Volume Lamp C CO 026 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 027, UF Rate Lamp C CO 027 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 030, Attention Lamp C CO 030 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 031, Technical Error Lamp C CO 031 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 032, Auto Heat Lamp C CO 032 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 034, Blood Pump Lamp C CO 034 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 035, Auto Rinse Lamp C CO 035 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 037, Fluid Bypass Lamp C CO 037 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 038, UF Start/Stop Lamp C CO 038 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 041, Blood Flow Path Lamp C CO 041 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 042, Fluid Flow Path Lamp C CO 042 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 042 001 DISC. I/O ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 042 002 FLUID BYPASS ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043, Information Display C CO 043 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043 256 INFORMATION DISPLAY TABLE ERROR (1) General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043 257 INFORMATION DISPLAY TABLE ERROR (2) General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043 260 LANGUAGE SELECT ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043 261 DISC. I/O ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043 262 DISC. I/O ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 043 263 DISC. I/O ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COS 043, Information Display, Service Mode C COS 043 016 INFORMATION DISPLAY TABLE ERROR, SERVICE TEXT Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COS 043 017 INFORMATION DISPLAY TABLE ERROR, CALIBRATION TEXTS Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COS 043 018 INFORMATION DISPLAY TABLE ERROR, TRANSDUCER NUMBER Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COS 043 019 VARIABLE SCALING ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COM 044, Manual Input C COM 044 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COP 044, Manual Input, Preset Mode C COP 044 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COS 044, Manual Input, Service Mode C COS 044 xxx CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COT 044, Manual Input, Treatment Mode C COT 044 xxx CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 045, Blood Pump Knob C CO 045 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 045 001 INCORRECT BLOOD TUBE DIAMETER (PRESET VALUE) Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - The parameter for the set value of the blood tube diameter is out of limit. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - ORI(OI_BlTubeDiam) < PI(EPI_BlTubeDiamLl) or ORI(OI_BlTubeDiam) > PI(EPI_BlTubeDiamHl) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Read/write memory error (re-preset and restart AK 95) C CO 045 002 DISC. I/O ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 049, Time Calculation C CO 049 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 050, Remaining Time Calculation C CO 050 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 051, Non Diffusion Time Calculation C CO 051 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 053, Buzzer Control C CO 053 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 054, Time Display C CO 054 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 060, Heparin Auto Stop Limit C COS 060 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 062, Priming Lamp C CO 062 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 067, Auto Priming Lamp C CO 067 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 069, BSM, Reset Limits And Set Value C CO 069 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 072, Conductivity C CO 072 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 073, Conductivity Profiling C CO 073 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 073 001 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 073 002 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 074, UF Profiling C CO 074 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 075, Chem Lamp C CO 075 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 076, Heat Lamp C CO 076 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 077, Rinse Back Lamp C CO 077 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 079, Concentrate Bank C CO 079 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 079 001 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 079 002 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 080, Attention C CO 080 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 080 001 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 080 002 EVALUATION STATE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 080 003 ATTENTION QUEUE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error - Corrupt RAM memory C CO 084, Disinfection Bank Selection C CO 084 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 084 001 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 087, Protective Set C CO 087 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 096, Profiling C CO 096 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COxx 071, WRO 300 H communication C COFF 071 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COFF 071 001 Error in output signal to CPU Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: Internal software error C COFF 071 002 Logical error in communication protocol Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: Internal software error C COxx 088, Functional Check C CO 088 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C COFB 088 001 AIR DETECTOR TEST ERROR, CPU P Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU P air detector does not detect “air” when the transmitted intensity is lowered during Fch. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_AirDetAirPErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air detector broken - Broken BM I/O board (IC5, IC14 and components, IC12, IC17, Q6, Q7, IC19 and components) - Broken protective CPU board (IC43 and components) (N.E. IC48) - Broken protective driver board (IC6 and components, V6 and components, IC4 and components, IC55) C COFB 088 002 AIR DETECTOR TEST ERROR, CPU W Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W air detector does not detect “air” when the transmitted intensity is lowered during Fch. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_AirDetAirWErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air detector broken - Broken BM I/O board (IC5, IC14 and components, IC12, IC17, Q6, Q7, IC19 and components) - Broken protective CPU board (IC3 and components) - Broken protective driver board (IC2 and components, V3 and components, IC1 and components, IC55) C COFB 088 003 AIR DETECTOR TEST ERROR, CPU P AND W Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - One or both of CPU P and CPU W’s air detectors does not sense alarm free status when the transmitted intensity is increased to normal level. This error code should only occure if anything is done with the air detector during the low intensity test phase, since this condition (alarm free status) was already fulfilled at the start of the test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_AirDetNoAirErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Low level in venous drip chamber. Check the level and restart the monitor. C COFF 088 004 BLOOD LEAK DETECTOR TEST ERROR, VALUE TOO HIGH Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood leak detector value is too high when the LED is off. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlLeakOffLevelErrCnt) > 4 - Blood leak detector value > 2mV measured by ADC (CPU P) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood leak detector uncalibrated - Blood leak detector unit broken - Too much external light in blood leak detector ( AK 95 open for service) - Broken protective driver board (R71 and components, IC29, IC25) - Broken/uncalibrated A/D system, protective driver board (IC12, IC13, IC15, and components) C COFF 088 005 BLOOD LEAK DETECTOR TEST ERROR, VALUE OUT OF LIMIT Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood leak detector value is out of the limits when the LED is lit Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlLeakOnLevelErrCnt) > 4 - Blood leak detector value < -10 or blood leak detector value > +60 (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.blLeakValue) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood leak detector uncalibrated - Blood leak detector dirty - Blood leak detector broken - Broken protective driver board (R71 and components, IC29, IC25) - Broken/uncalibrated A/D system, protective driver board (IC12, IC13, IC15, and components) C COFF 088 006 BLOOD LEAK DETECTOR TEST ERROR, UNSTABLE OFF Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: The blood leak detector value is unstable when the LED is turned off. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlLeakOffStableErrCnt) > 4 - Blood leak detector variance >5 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood leak detector broken - Broken protective driver board (R71 and components, IC29, IC25) - Broken/uncalibrated A/D system, protective driver board (IC12, IC13, IC15, and components) C COFF 088 007 BLOOD LEAK DETECTOR TEST ERROR, UNSTABLE ON Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: The blood leak detector value is unstable when the LED is turned on. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlLeakOnStableErrCnt) > 4 - Blood leak detector variance >5 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood leak detector broken - Broken protective driver board (R71 and components, IC29, IC25) - Broken/uncalibrated A/D system, protective driver board (IC12, IC13, IC15, and components) C COFB 088 008 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT RUNNING (FIRST TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to run. The blood pump tacho value is too low AND the rotation indicator is not detecting movement (first check). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpEdge1ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood pump not connected to BM I/O board, P602 - Pump rotation indicator (P605) AND tacho (P604) not connected to BM I/O - Blood pump electronics broken (BM I/O IC7, IC3, IC11, IC8, Q1-4 and components). C COFB 088 009 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT RUNNING (SECOND TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to run. The blood pump tacho value is too low AND the rotation indicator is not detecting movement (second check). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpEdge2ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood pump not connected to BM I/O board, P602 - Pump rotation indicator (P605) AND tacho (P604) not connected to BM I/O - Blood pump electronics broken (BM I/O IC7, IC3, IC11, IC8, Q1-4 and components). C COFB 088 010 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT STOPPED (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to stop by CPU P. The measured values from tacho and/or rotation indicator show that the blood pump is still running. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpPStopErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken BM I/O board, IC11 and components - Broken protective driver board, IC 32 C COFB 088 011 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT RUNNING ROTATION INDICATOR, (FIRST CHECK) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to run. The blood pump tacho value is OK but the rotation indicator has not detected any movement (first check) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpRotate1ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The rotation indicator is broken or unconnected to BM I/O board (P605) - Broken BM I/O board (Z3, R51, R47) - Broken protective driver board, IC39 C COFB 088 012 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT RUNNING ROTATION INDICATOR, (SECOND CHECK) Unconditional error, blood pump not available Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to run. The blood pump tacho value is OK but the rotation indicator has not detected any movement (first check) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpRotate2ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The rotation indicator is broken or unconnected - Broken BM I/O board (Z3, R51, R47) - Broken protective driver board, IC39 C COFB 088 013 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT RUNNING TACHO SIGNALS MISSING, (FIRST CHECK) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to run. The blood pump rotation indicator has detected movement but tacho value is too low (first check) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpTach1ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood pump tacho broken or unconnected to BM I/O board (P604) - Broken control driver board (IC34) C COFB 088 014 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT RUNNING TACHO SIGNALS MISSING, (SECOND CHECK) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to run. The blood pump rotation indicator has detected movement but tacho value is to low (second check) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpTach2ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Blood pump tacho broken or unconnected to BM I/O board (P604) - Broken control driver board (IC34) C COFB 088 015 BLOOD PUMP TEST ERROR, PUMP NOT STOPPED (CPU W) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump was commanded to stop by CPU W. The measured values from tacho and/or rotation indicator show that the blood pump is still running. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BlPumpWStopErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken BM I/O board (IC1, IC15) - Broken protective CPU board (IC10, IC7, IC5) (N.E.: IC10, IC7, IC6) C COFB 088 016 COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN CPU W AND P (BM1) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W does not agree on that the blood monitor function check part 1 is ready Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_Bm1ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken protective CPU board (IC26, V4 and components) C COFB 088 017 COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN CPU W AND P (BM1) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W does not agree on that the blood monitor function check part 2 is ready Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_Bm2ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken protective CPU board (IC26, V4 and components) C COFB 088 018 BUZZER TEST ERROR, BUZZER NOT ON (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The microphone can not detect that the CPU P buzzer is on Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BuzzPOnErrCnt) > 3 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - CPU P buzzer is broken (H2 on protective driver board) - Protective driver board broken (IC39, IC21, IC16, M1(microphone), IC5, V8, V7 and components) It is not possible to mute buzzer C COFB 088 019 BUZZER TEST ERROR, BUZZER NOT OFF (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The microphone can not detect that the CPU P buzzer is off Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BuzzPOffErrCnt) > 3 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Protective driver board broken (IC39, IC21, IC16, M1(microphone), IC5, V8, V7 and components) It is not possible to mute buzzer C COFB 088 020 BUZZER TEST ERROR, BUZZER NOT SILENT Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The microphone can not detect that both the CPU P and the CPU W buzzer are off when the buzzer test starts Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BuzzSilentErrCnt) > 3 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Protective driver board broken (M1 (microphone), IC5, V8, V7 and components) It is not possible to mute buzzer C COFB 088 021 BUZZER TEST ERROR, BUZZER NOT ON (CPU W) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The microphone can not detect that the CPU W buzzer is on Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BuzzWOnErrCnt) > 3 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - CPU W buzzer is broken (H1 on protective CPU board) - Protective CPU board is broken (IC10, IC7) - Protective driver board broken (M1(microphone), IC5, V8, V7 and components) It is not possible to mute buzzer C COFB 088 022 BUZZER TEST ERROR, BUZZER NOT OFF (CPU W) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The microphone can not detect that the CPU W buzzer is off Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_BuzzWOffErrCnt) > 3 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Protective CPU board is broken (IC10, IC7) - Protective driver board broken (M1(microphone), IC5, V8, V7 and components) It is not possible to mute buzzer C COFB 088 023 COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN CPU W AND P (COM) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W does not agree on that the common function check is ready Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ComErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken protective CPU board (IC26, V4 and components) C COFF 088 024 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY COMPARE ERROR (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity difference between CPU C and CPU P is too large in the conductivity test high phase. - The difference between CondA (FRI(FI_MM90CONDA)) and CondP (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) is outside limit +/- 1mS/cm - The difference between CondA (FRI(FI_MM90CONDA)) and CondB (FRI(FI_MM90CONDB)) (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) is outside limit +/- 0.3mS/cm Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondHighDiffErrCnt) > 4 - The difference between CondB (FRI(FI_MM90CONDB)) and CondP (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) is outside limit +/- 1mS/cm Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated - The A/D converters are uncalibrated (CPU P, MM 95) C COFF 088 025 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY VALUE TOO LOW (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity measured by CPU P is not high enough in the conductivity test high phase. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondHighLevelErrCnt) > 4 - Conductivity value from CondP(AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) <20 mS/cm Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Incorrect concentrate used (not possible to regulate conductivity >20mS/cm) - Air leakage (pickup tube, tube, filter) - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated - A/D converter CPU P is uncalibrated C COFF 088 026 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY UNSTABLE (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity value measured in CPU P is not stable in the high conductivity test Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondHighStableErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Too much air in fluid system - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated C COFF 088 027 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY COMPARE ERROR (LOW CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity difference between CPU C and CPU P is too large in the conductivity test low phase. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondLowDiffErrCnt) > 4 - The difference between CondB(FRI(FI_MM90CONDB)) and CondP(AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) is outside limit +/- 1mS/cm - The difference between CondA (FRI(FI_MM90CONDA)) and CondP (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) is outside limit +/- 1mS/cm - The difference between CondA (FRI(FI_MM90CONDA)) and CondB (FRI(FI_MM90CONDB)) (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) is outside limit +/- 0.3mS/cm Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated - The A/D converters are uncalibrated (CPU P, MM 95) C COFF 088 028 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY VALUE TOO HIGH (LOW CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity measured by CPU P is not low enough in the conductivity test low phase. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondLowLevelErrCnt) > 4 - Conductivity value from CondP (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.condValue) was >5 mS/cm Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated C COFF 088 029 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY UNSTABLE (LOW CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity value measured in CPU P is not stable in the low conductivity test Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondLowStableErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Too much air in fluid system - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated C COFF 088 030 FLOW SWITCH ERROR, FLOW DETECTED (INVA CLOSED) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow switch senses fluid flow when INVA is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_FlowOffErrCnt) > 3 - PRL(P_FLOWSWITCHFLOW) = TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Flow switch broken - Float stucked in upper position - FM I/O board broken (IC2) - Protective driver board broken (IC28) C COFF 088 031 FLOW SWITCH ERROR, NO FLOW (INLET PRESSURE OK) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow switch does not sense flow when the inlet pressure (CPU C) is OK. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_FlowOn1ErrCnt) > 3 - PRL(P_FLOWSWITCHFLOW) = FALSE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Flow switch broken - Float stucked in lower position - FM I/O board broken (IC2) - Protective driver board broken (IC28) C COFF 088 032 FLOW SWITCH ERROR, NO FLOW (INVA OPEN) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The flow switch does not sense flow when INVA is opened after the no flow test. - This error code is not used after P2.04 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_FlowOn2ErrCnt) > 3 - PRL(P_FLOWSWITCHFLOW) = FALSE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Flow switch broken - Float stucked in lower position - FM I/O board broken (IC2) - Protective driver board broken (IC28) C COFF 088 033 COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN CPU W AND P (FM1) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W does not agree on that the fluid monitor function check part 1 is ready Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_Fm1ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken protective CPU board (IC26, V4 and components) C COFF 088 034 COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN CPU W AND P (FM2) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: CPU W does not agree on that the fluid monitor function check part 2 is ready Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_Fm2ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken protective CPU board (IC26, V4 and components) C COFF 088 035 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER ENERGIZED (INVA CLOSED) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is still energized after INVA has been closed. No flow in the monitor. - This error code is not used after P2.04 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOff1ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is high (+5V) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - P931 and P932 on heater relay board are incorrectly positioned - The heater relay board is broken (IC1 and components) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) C COFF 088 036 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER ENERGIZED (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is still energized when CPU P has turned the heater relay off. - This error code is not used after P2.04 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOff2ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is high (+5V) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The heater relay board is broken (IC1 and components) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) C COFF 088 037 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED (CPU C) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when there is flow through to the monitor and CPU C runs the heater with duty cycle 40 %. - This error code is not used after P2.04 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn1ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - Flow switch in incorrect position (should be mounted close to lower silicon connector) - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 038 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED (INVA OPEN) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when INVA is opened after the no flow test. - This error code is not used after P2.04 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn2ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - Flow switch in incorrect position (should be mounted close to lower silicon connector) - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 039 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when CPU P has enabled the heater relay. - This error code is not used after P2.04 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn3ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - Flow switch in incorrect position (should be mounted close to lower silicon connector) - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFB 088 040 HIGH VENOUS PRESSURE TEST ERROR, TOO HIGH VEN. PRESS. Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C regulates a too high venous pressure during the high venous pressure test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HighVprPresErrCnt) > 1 - The venous pressure measured by CPU P (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.vprValue) > 300mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous pressure transducer board is broken/uncalibrated (CPU C) - The venous pressure transducer board is broken/uncalibrated (CPU P) C COFB 088 041 HIGH VENOUS PRESSURE TEST ERROR, TOO BIG DIFFERENCE Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between the measurements from the venous pressure transducers in CPU C and CPU P is to large. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HighVprTestErrCnt) > 3 - The venous pressure difference between CPU C (BRI(BI_VENPR)) and CPU P (AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.vprValue) >15mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous pressure transducer board is broken/uncalibrated (CPU C) - The venous pressure transducer board is broken/uncalibrated (CPU P) - There is a leakage of pressure in CPU C or/and CPU P venous pressure transducer line. C COFB 088 042 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN CPU P AND W Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - In priming detector test, CPU W does not send the calibrated priming detector transmitter current to CPU P. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetCalibCurrErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The protective CPU board is broken C COFB 088 043 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, CURRENT OUT OF LIMIT Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between the stored and the measured priming detector current was too big. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetCurrErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector is uncalibrated - Priming detector board is broken - CPU W is uncalibrated - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9, Q13 and components) on protective driver board. - Protective CPU board is broken (R29, C21) C COFB 088 044 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, BLOOD IN PRIMING DETECTOR (FIRST TEST), CPU P Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: CPU P sensed “blood” when the priming detector test is started and the transmitter intensity is high. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetEmptyP1ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector not connected to FM I/O board (P504) - Priming detector is not empty or priming detector dirty - Priming detector board is broken - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9, Q13 and components) on protective driver board. - Priming detector receiver electronics broken (IC18, V11, V12 and components) on protective driver board. C COFB 088 045 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, BLOOD IN PRIMING DETECTOR (FIRST TEST), CPU W Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W sensed “blood” when the priming detector test is started and the transmitter intensity is high. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetEmptyW1ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector not connected to FM I/O board (P504) - Priming detector is not empty or priming detector dirty - Priming detector board is broken - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9 and components) on protective driver board. - Priming detector receiver electronics broken (IC11, V9, V10 and components) on protective driver board. C COFB 088 046 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, NO BLOOD DETECTED (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU P does not sense “blood” when the priming detector intensity is lowered. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetBloodPErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector board is broken - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9, Q13 and components) on protective driver board. - Priming detector receiver electronics broken (IC18, V11, V12 and components) on protective driver board. C COFB 088 047 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, NO BLOOD DETECTED (CPU W) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W does not sense “blood” when the priming detector intensity is lowered. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetBloodWErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9 and components) on protective driver board. - Priming detector receiver electronics broken (IC11, V9, V10 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU W is uncalibrated/broken (IC10 on protective CPU board) C COFB 088 048 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, BLOOD IN PRIMING DETECTOR (SECOND TEST), CPU P Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU P sensed “blood” when the priming detector test intensity is high again after the low intensity test.. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetEmptyP2ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector not connected to FM I/O board (P504) - Software error - Priming detector is not empty or priming detector dirty - Priming detector board is broken - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9, Q13 and components) on protective driver board. - Priming detector receiver electronics broken (IC18, V11, V12 and components) on protective driver board. C COFB 088 049 PRIMING DETECTOR TEST ERROR, BLOOD IN PRIMING DETECTOR (SECOND TEST), CPU W Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: CPU W sensed “blood” when the priming detector test intensity is high again after the low intensity test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_PrimDetEmptyW2ErrCnt) > 10 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Priming detector not connected to FM I/O board (P504) - Priming detector is not empty or priming detector dirty - Priming detector board is broken - Priming detector transmitter electronics broken (IC55, IC33, Q9 and components) on protective driver board. - Priming detector receiver electronics broken (IC11, V9, V10 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU W is uncalibrated/broken (IC10 on protective CPU board) C COFB 088 050 SAFETY RELAY TEST ERROR, REFERENCE CURRENT TOO HIGH Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - At the beginning of the relay test the current is measured when the relay is OFF (this current value is used as reference current in the following tests). The reference current measured was too high. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_RelayOff1ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The safety relay (K2) on control CPU board is broken - The valve current measuring system is broken (R20 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU P is uncalibrated C COFB 088 051 SAFETY RELAY TEST ERROR, TOO HIGH CURRENT DIFFERENCE (FIRST TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between the reference current and the second current value, measured when the relay is OFF, is too high (the safety relay is OFF and BYVA is open). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_RelayOff2ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The safety relay (K2) on control CPU board is broken - The valve current measuring system is broken (R20 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU P is uncalibrated C COFB 088 052 SAFETY RELAY TEST ERROR, TOO LOW CURRENT DIFFERENCE (FIRST TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between the reference current and the first current value, measured when the relay is ON, is too small (safety relay is ON and BYVA is open). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_RelayOn1ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - BYVA is not connected (or broken). - Protective driver board is broken (IC3, Q3) - The safety relay (K2) on control CPU board is broken - The valve current measuring system is broken (R20 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU P is uncalibrated C COFB 088 053 SAFETY RELAY TEST ERROR, TOO LOW CURRENT DIFFERENCE (SECOND TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between the reference current and the second current value, measured when the relay is ON, is too small (safety relay is ON and BYVA is open). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_RelayOn2ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - BYVA is not connected (or broken). - Protective driver board is broken (IC3, Q3) - The safety relay (K2) on control CPU board is broken - The valve current measuring system is broken (R20 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU P is uncalibrated C COFB 088 054 SAFETY RELAY TEST ERROR, TOO HIGH CURRENT DIFFERENCE (SECOND TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between the reference current and the third current value, measured when the relay is ON, is too high (safety relay is ON and BYVA is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_RelayOn3ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Protective driver board is broken (IC3, Q3) (BYVA does not close) - The valve current measuring system is broken (R20 and components) on protective driver board. - CPU P is uncalibrated C COFF 088 055 TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR, TOO HIGH TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (HIGH TEMP. TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The temperature difference between CPU C and CPU P is too large in the temperature test high phase. TempC is measured in conductivity cell B. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempHighDiffErrCnt) > 10 - TempC-TempP >1.3ºC or TempC-TempP <-0.6ºC Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - CPU C A/D-system uncalibrated - CPU P A/D-system uncalibrated - Conductivity cell B broken - Conductivity cell P broken C COFF 088 056 TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR, TOO LOW TEMPERATURE MEASURED (HIGH TEMP. TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The measured temperature (tempP) is lower than the test limit in the high temperature test. The temperature measured by tempP was below 41ºC even though the temperature had been increased a second time by CPU C. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempHighLevelErrCnt) > 4 - tempP < 41ºC Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The temperature regulation system is broken (control CPU board) - CPU C A/D-system uncalibrated - CPU P A/D-system uncalibrated - Conductivity cell B broken - Conductivity cell P broken C COFF 088 057 TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR, UNSTABLE TEMPERATURE (HIGH TEMP. TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The measured temperature value is not stable in the high temperature test . Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempHighStableErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The temperature regulation system is broken (control CPU board) - CPU P A/D-system uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P broken C COFF 088 058 TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR, TOO HIGH TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE (LOW TEMP. TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: The temperature difference between CPU C and CPU P is too large in the temperature test low phase. TempC is measured in conductivity cell B. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempLowDiffErrCnt) > 4 - TempC-TempP >1.2ºC or TempC-TempP <-0.6ºC Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - CPU C A/D-system uncalibrated - CPU P A/D-system uncalibrated - Conductivity cell B broken - Conductivity cell P broken C COFF 088 059 TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR, UNSTABLE TEMPERATURE (LOW TEMP. TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The measured temperature value is not stable in the low temperature test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempLowStableErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The temperature regulation system is broken (control CPU board) - CPU P A/D-system uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P broken C COFF 088 060 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, FAILURE TO ACHIEVE HIGH LEVEL IN DEAIRATING CHAMBER Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - High level in the deairating chamber is not achieved at the start of valve leakage (DIVA/TAVA) test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveFillupErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Bad/no connection to level switch in deairating chamber. Check connection from level switch to FM I/O board (P503). - Level switch broken - EVVA is not open - TAVA is not closed - IC 28 on protective driver board broken - FIVA is malfunctioning (if the UFD-kit is installed) C COFF 088 061 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, LEAKAGE IN HIGH PRESSURE TEST Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The dialysis pressure was measured twice with DIVA/TAVA/EVVA closed. The difference between the two pressure measurements was too big. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveHighLeakErrCnt) > 4 - The dialysis pressure changed more than +/-30mmHg between the two measurements. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - There is a leakage between the dialyzer connector and the bypass nipple. Check the oring in the dialyzer connector. - The deairating chamber is leaking - DIVA/TAVA/EVVA/REVA is leaking - There is a leakage in the flow meter on the front of the machine - FIVA is leaking (if the UFD-kit is installed) C COFF 088 062 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, DIALYSIS PRESSURE OUTSIDE LIMITS IN THE LOW PRESSURE TEST (SECOND TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C had regulated a dialysis fluid pressure at +200mmHg, measured at HPG. The dialysis fluid pressure, measured at the dialysis pressure transducer, was outside 200+/-20 mmHg. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveHighLevel1ErrCnt) > 4 - Dialysis fluid pressure outside 200+/-20 mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - DIVA does not open - The HPG transducer or the dialysis pressure transducer is uncalibrated. C COFF 088 063 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, DIALYSIS PRESSURE OUTSIDE LIMITS IN THE HIGH PRESSURE TEST (FIRST TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C had regulated a dialysis fluid pressure at +200mmHg, measured at HPG. The dialysis fluid pressure, measured at the dialysis pressure transducer, was outside 200+/-20 mmHg. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveHighLevel2ErrCnt) > 4 - Dialysis fluid pressure outside 200+/-20 mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The HPG transducer or the dialysis pressure transducer is uncalibrated. - Unstable dialysis flow C COFF 088 064 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, UNSTABLE PRESSURE IN HIGH PRESSURE TEST Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The dialysis pressure is not stable in the high pressure test. Regulated pressure approx. +200mmHg (HPG) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveHighStableErrCnt) > 4 - The dialysis fluid pressure variance was >20 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - There is too much air in the dialysis fluid - The HPG pressure transducer is broken - The dialysis fluid pressure transducer is broken C COFF 088 065 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, LEAKAGE IN LOW PRESSURE TEST Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The dialysis pressure was measured twice with DIVA/TAVA/EVVA closed. The difference between the two pressure measurements was too big. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveLowLeakErrCnt) > 4 - The dialysis pressure changed more than +/-20mmHg between the two measurements. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - There is a leakage between the dialyzer connector and the bypass nipple. Check the oring in the dialyzer connector. - The deairating chamber is leaking - DIVA/TAVA/EVVA/REVA is leaking - There is a leakage in the flow meter on the front of the machine - FIVA is leaking (if the UFD-kit is installed) C COFF 088 066 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, DIALYSIS PRESSURE OUTSIDE LIMITS IN LOW PRESSURE TEST (FIRST TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C had regulated a dialysis fluid pressure at -200mmHg, measured at HPG. The dialysis fluid pressure, measured at the dialysis pressure transducer, was outside -200+/-20 mmHg. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveLowLevel1ErrCnt) > 4 - Dialysis fluid pressure outside -200+/-20 mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The HPG transducer or the dialysis pressure transducer is uncalibrated. C COFF 088 067 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, DIALYSIS PRESSURE OUTSIDE LIMITS IN HIGH PRESSURE TEST (SECOND TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C had regulated a dialysis fluid pressure at -200mmHg, measured at HPG. The dialysis fluid pressure, measured at the dialysis pressure transducer, was outside -200+/-20 mmHg. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveLowLevel2ErrCnt) > 4 - Dialysis fluid pressure outside -200+/-20 mmHg Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - TAVA does not open - The HPG transducer or the dialysis pressure transducer is uncalibrated. C COFF 088 068 DIVA/TAVA TEST ERROR, UNSTABLE PRESSURE IN THE LOW PRESSURE TEST Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The dialysis pressure is not stable in the low pressure test. Regulated pressure approx. -200mmHg (HPG) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveLowStableErrCnt) > 4 - The dialysis fluid pressure variance was >20 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - There is too much air in the dialysis fluid - The HPG pressure transducer is broken - The dialysis fluid pressure transducer is broken C COFB 088 069 VENOUS CLAMP TEST ERROR, CLAMP NOT OPEN AT START Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The venous clamp is closed when the clamp test starts (the clamp is commanded open). Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_VClampOpen1ErrCnt) > 4 - BRL(B_VenClampClosed)=TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous clamp is stucked in closed position - The clamp driver board is broken (transmitter-receiver) - Protective CPU board broken (R47, IC45, IC20, Q7, Q8, IC46, IC41, IC7) - Control CPU board broken (IC24) C COFB 088 070 VENOUS CLAMP TEST ERROR, CLAMP NOT OPEN (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: The venous clamp does not open after it was closed by CPU P Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_VClampOpen2ErrCnt) > 4 - BRL(B_VenClampClosed)=TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous clamp is stucked in closed position - The clamp driver board is broken (transmitter-receiver) - Protective CPU board broken (R47, IC45, IC20, Q7, Q8, IC46, IC41, IC7) - Control CPU board broken (IC24) C COFB 088 071 VENOUS CLAMP TEST ERROR, CLAMP NOT OPEN (CPU W) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The venous clamp does not open after it was closed by CPU W Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_VClampOpen3ErrCnt) > 4 - BRL(B_VenClampClosed)=TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous clamp is stucked in closed position - The clamp driver board is broken (transmitter-receiver) - Protective CPU board broken (R47, IC45, IC20, Q7, Q8, IC46, IC41, IC7) - Control CPU board broken (IC24) C COFB 088 072 VENOUS CLAMP TEST ERROR, CLAMP NOT CLOSED (CPU P) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU P can not close the venous clamp. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_VClampPCloseErrCnt) > 10 - BRL(B_VenClampClosed)=FALSE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous clamp is stucked in open position - The clamp driver board is broken (transmitter-receiver) - Protective CPU board broken (R47, IC45, IC20, Q8, IC41) C COFB 088 073 VENOUS CLAMP TEST ERROR, CLAMP NOT CLOSED (CPU W) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU W can not close the venous clamp. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_VClampWCloseErrCnt) > 10 - BRL(B_VenClampClosed)=FALSE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The venous clamp is stucked in open position - The clamp driver board is broken (transmitter-receiver) - Protective CPU board broken (R47, IC45, IC20, Q7, IC46, IC7) C COFB 088 074 ARTERIAL CLAMP TEST ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: The arterial clamp test failed, either when opening or when closing the clamp Technical description of conditions for occurring: - BRL(B_ArtClampTestErr)= TRUE Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The clamp is mechanically jammed or blocked - Bad connection between clamp unit and the cabling - The clamp unit is broken - Protective CPU board broken (IC45, Q6, V7) - Control CPU board broken (IC24) C COFF 088 075 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is still energized after CPU C has regulated 0% dutycycle Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOff1ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is high (+5V) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - P931 and P932 on heater relay board are incorrectly positioned - The heater relay board is broken (K1) - The heater relay board is broken (IC1and components) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - Control CPU board is broken (IC21) C COFF 088 076 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is still energized when CPU P has turned the heater relay off. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOff2ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is high (+5V) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The FM I/O board is broken (Q1, R8) - The heater relay board is broken (IC1 and components) - Protective driver board broken (IC3, IC25, IC 28) C COFF 088 077 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is still energized after CPU C has shut off the heater relay. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOff3ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is high (+5V) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The FM I/O board is broken (Q2) - The control driver board is broken (IC24) - The heater relay board is broken (IC1 and components) - The protective driver board is broken (IC25, IC 28) C COFF 088 078 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is still energized after INVA has been closed. No flow through the flow switch. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOff4ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is high (+5V) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The flow switch is stucked in upper position - The FM I/O board is broken (Q4) - The heater relay board is broken (IC1 and components) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) C COFF 088 079 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when there is flow through to the monitor and CPU C runs the heater with duty cycle 40 %. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn1ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 080 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when there is flow through to the monitor and CPU C runs the heater with duty cycle 40 %. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn2ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 081 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when there is flow through to the monitor and CPU C runs the heater with duty cycle 40 %. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn3ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - Flow switch in incorrect position (should be mounted close to lower silicon connector) - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 082 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when there is flow through to the monitor and CPU C runs the heater with duty cycle 40 %. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn4ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - Flow switch in incorrect position (should be mounted close to lower silicon connector) - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 083 HEATER TEST ERROR, HEATER NOT ENERGIZED Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The heater is not energized when there is flow through to the monitor and CPU C runs the heater with duty cycle 40 %. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_HeaterOn5ErrCnt) > 3 - Signal PMAINS is low (Zero volt) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken fuse in AC/DC unit - Control CPU board broken (IC21) - Control driver board is broken (IC24) - Float stucked in lower position - Flow switch broken - Flow switch in incorrect position (should be mounted close to lower silicon connector) - FM I/O board is broken (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R2) - Heater relay board is not connected - Protective CPU board is broken (signal PHEEN) - Protective driver board broken (IC25, IC 28) - The heater relay board is broken (K1, K2, V1, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 084 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING HPG PRESSURE (DIVA/TAVA test) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No “pressure achieved” acknowledge signal sent to CPU P from CPU C - This error code is not used in program version 3.00 and later Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveNoAchErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Leakage between the dialysis fluid tubes and the machine - Leakage between the dialyzer connectors and the bypass unit - Broken HPG transducer - Broken control driver board (Q12 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) C COFF 088 085 NO CONDUCTIVITY VALUE SENT TO CPU P (LOW TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No conductivity value sent from CPU C to CPU P during conductivity test Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondNoAchLowErrCnt) > 0 - The low test has been running for 60 seconds with no value sent from CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Broken CPU C conductivity cell (cell B) - Broken MM I/O board - Broken control driver board - Broken protective CPU board (IC50) - Broken control CPU board (IC5, IC4, IC1 and components) C COFF 088 086 UNSTABLE LEVEL IN DEAIRATING CHAMBER Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The level in deairating chamber is unstable. - The level should have been high Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveBubLevelErrCnt) > 10 (UFD-kit not installed) - PRI(PI_ValveBubLevelErrCnt) > 65 ( UFD-kit installed) - AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.MEASURE_INPUT.bubble (log. variable) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air leakage - Broken level detector - EVVA is not open or malfunctioning - TAVA is not closed or malfunctioning - IC 28 on protective driver board broken - FIVA is broken (if the UFD-kit is preseted) - UFD is not preseted, despite the ultrafilter and FIVA is mounted C COFF 088 087 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING HPG PRESSURE (DIVA/TAVA test) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No “pressure achieved” acknowledge signal sent to CPU P from CPU C - CPU is regulating HPG pressure to -200mmHg Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveNoAchLow1ErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid. Check for leakage - Leakage between the dialysis fluid tubes and the machine - Leakage between the dialyzer connectors and the bypass unit - Broken HPG transducer - Broken control driver board (Q12 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) C COFF 088 088 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING HPG PRESSURE (DIVA/TAVA test) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No “pressure achieved” acknowledge signal sent to CPU P from CPU C - CPU is regulating HPG pressure to +200mmHg Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveNoAchHigh1ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid. Check for leakage - Leakage between the dialysis fluid tubes and the machine - Leakage between the dialyzer connectors and the bypass unit - Broken HPG transducer - Broken control driver board (Q12 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) C COFF 088 089 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING HPG PRESSURE (DIVA/TAVA test) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No “pressure achieved” acknowledge signal sent to CPU P from CPU C - CPU is regulating HPG pressure to -200mmHg Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveNoAchLow2ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid. Check for leakage - Leakage between the dialysis fluid tubes and the machine - Leakage between the dialyzer connectors and the bypass unit - Broken HPG transducer - Broken control driver board (Q12 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) C COFF 088 090 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING HPG PRESSURE (DIVA/TAVA test) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No “pressure achieved” acknowledge signal sent to CPU P from CPU C - CPU is regulating HPG pressure to +200mmHg Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_ValveNoAchHigh2ErrCnt) > 2 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid. Check for leakage - Leakage between the dialysis fluid tubes and the machine - Leakage between the dialyzer connectors and the bypass unit - Broken HPG transducer - Broken control driver board (Q12 and components) - Broken control CPU board (IC32) C COFF 088 091 TOO HIGH TEMPERATURE AT START-UP Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU P could not measure a temp below 45C (15 minute measure time) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempStartHiErrCnt) > 0 - AK95P.CPU_P.SUP.MEAS.AD_INPUT.tempValue > 45C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken CPU P temperature transducer - Broken MM 95 board - Broken protective driver board C COFF 088 092 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING TEMPERATURE (high temp. test) General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C has not been able to regulate the temperature Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempNoAchHigh1ErrCnt) > 0 - Unstable temperature in conductivity cell B, (FRI(FI_MM90CondTempB) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Unstable fluid flow or unstable fluid pressure (check PR2) - Broken heater relay unit C COFF 088 093 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING TEMPERATURE (high temp. test) General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C has not been able to regulate the temperature (during retest) Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempNoAchHigh2ErrCnt) > 0 - Unstable temperature in conductivity cell B, (FRI(FI_MM90CondTempB) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Unstable fluid flow or unstable fluid pressure (check PR2) - Broken heater relay unit C COFF 088 094 FAILURE WHEN REGULATING TEMPERATURE (low temp. test) General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU C has not been able to regulate the temperature Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_TempNoAchLowErrCnt) > 0 - Unstable temperature in conductivity cell B, FRI(FI_MM90CondTempB) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Unstable fluid flow or unstable fluid pressure (check PR2) - Broken heater relay unit C COFF 088 095 UNSTABLE CONDUCTIVITY (HIGH TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - No conductivity value sent from CPU C to CPU P due to unstable signal Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CondNoAchHighErrCnt) > 0 - Unstable cond. value in conductivity cell B, FRI(FI_MM90CONDB) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Broken CPU C conductivity cell (cell B) - Broken MM I/O board - Broken control driver board C COFB 088 096 BATTERY TEST ERROR 4 TIMES IN SUCCESSION Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Protective system has measured too low battery voltage at least 4 times in succession Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Measured voltage < 7.5 V (no load on the battery) - Measured voltage < 6.0 V (battery loaded with 50 mA) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The 9 V battery is missing or discharged REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 11.00 C COFF 088 097 COMMUNICATION FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - CPU P has sent a request to CPU C to set the status of BYVA and DIVA in a specified way. CPU P has not got any confirmation of the request. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaConfirmErrCnt) > 5 - CPU P didn’t receive any confirm signal. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken CPU C board - Broken CPU P board C COFF 088 098 CLOSE FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The valves DIVA, BYVA, TAVA and EVVA should be closed but the measured valve current indicates that at least one of them is open. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaCloseErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that some valve is open. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken Control driver board - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 099 DIVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - DIVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenDIVACPErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that DIVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken DIVA - Broken Control driver board - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 100 DIVA P CLOSED FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - DIVA should be closed but the measured valve current indicates that it is open. CPU C wants to have DIVA open. CPU P wants to have DIVA closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenDIVACErrCnt) > 2 The valve current indicates that DIVA is open. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: Broken Control driver board Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 101 DIVA C CLOSED FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - DIVA should be closed but the measured valve current indicates that it is open. CPU C wants to have DIVA closed. CPU P wants to have DIVA open. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenDIVAPErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that DIVA is open. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken Control driver board - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 102 BYVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - BYVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenBYVACPErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that BYVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken BYVA - Broken Control driver board - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 103 BYVA C OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - BYVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. CPU C wants to have BYVA open. CPU P wants to have BYVA closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenBYVACErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that BYVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken BYVA - Broken Control driver board - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 104 BYVA P OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - BYVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. CPU C wants to have BYVA closed. CPU P wants to have BYVA open. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenBYVAPErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that BYVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken BYVA - Broken Control driver board - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 105 TAVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - TAVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenTAVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that TAVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken TAVA - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 106 EVVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - EVVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenEVVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that EVVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken EVVA - Broken Protective driver board C COFF 088 107 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error. C COFF 088 108 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, CONDUCTIVITY IN CPU C UNSTABLE (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The conductivity value measured in CPU C is not stable in the high conductivity test Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI (PI_CondCHighStableErrCnt) > 4 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated C COFF 088 109 CONDUCTIVITY TEST ERROR, GENERAL ERROR (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST) Unconditional error, blood pump available General description of conditions for occurring: - The high conductivity test has not passed within the 20 minutes time limit Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI (PI_CondTimeOutErrCnt) > 0 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Air in fluid path - Conductivity cell B is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell P is broken or uncalibrated - Conductivity cell A is broken or uncalibrated C COFF 088 110 DRVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - DRVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenDRVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that DRVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken DRVA - Broken Protective driver board REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 11.00 C COFF 088 111 REVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - REVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenREVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that REVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken REVA - Broken Protective driver board REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 11.00 C COFF 088 112 ZEVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - ZEVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenZEVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that ZEVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken ZEVA - Broken Protective driver board REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 11.00 C COFF 088 113 RIVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - RIVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenRIVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that RIVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken RIVA - Broken Protective driver board REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 11.00 C COFF 088 114 INVA OPEN FAILURE DURING VALVES CURRENT TEST Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - INVA should be open but the measured valve current indicates that it is closed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - PRI(PI_CurrVaOpenINVAErrCnt) > 2 - The valve current indicates that INVA is closed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken INVA - Broken Protective driver board REMOVED FROM PROGRAM VERSION 11.00 C CO 089, Real Time Clock C CO 089 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 089 001 REAL TIME CLOCK ERROR (READ) General description of conditions for occurring: - I2C error occurred while reading from the real time clock/calendar PCF8573. The current time and date in the machine may be incorrect. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Real time clock has returned error message Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Real time clock IC47 (and components) on protective driver board broken C CO 089 002 REAL TIME CLOCK ERROR (WRITE) General description of conditions for occurring: - I2C error occurred while writing to the real time clock/calendar. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Real time clock has returned error message Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Real time clock IC47 (and components) on protective driver board broken C CO 089 003 REAL TIME CLOCK ERROR (SAVE) General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while saving the year (EEI_TimeNowYear) in the preset variables. The year value may be incorrect the next time the machine is started. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken SAFE memory C CO 089 004 REAL TIME CLOCK ERROR (AUTO START) General description of conditions for occurring: - During the start-up, the function detected that the alarm was switched ON in the PCF8573, but there was no valid auto-start status saved in the safe memory tables. No autoheat nor autorinse will be started. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken SAFE memory C CO 090, Protective Vpr Limit Set C CO 090 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 093, Disinfection Timer C CO 093 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C CO 094, Decalcification Timer C CO 094 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error C FRFF 088, Functional Check Restart The following error codes are “silent error codes”. If a test corresponding to each of the error codes fails, the fluid monitor functional check will be restarted and the error code C FRFF XXX XXX will be stored in the error code buffer. If the test fails a second time, the error code C COFF XXX XXX will appear, together with buzzer alarm and spanner key light. C FRFF 088 055 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 055 C FRFF 088 056 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 056 C FRFF 088 061 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 061 C FRFF 088 065 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 065 C FRFF 088 086 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 086 C FRFF 088 088 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 088 C FRFF 088 092 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C COFF 088 092 C FRFF 006, Functional Check Restart The following error codes are “silent error codes”. If a test corresponding to each of the error codes fails, the fluid monitor functional check will be restarted and the error code C FRFF XXX XXX will be stored in the error code buffer. If the test fails a second time, the error code C COFF XXX XXX will appear, together with buzzer alarm and spanner key light. C FRFF 006 003 FUNCTIONAL CHECK RESTARTED General description of conditions for occurring: -See C CFF 006 003 P PTRA, CPU P transducers P PTRA 000 100 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM BLOOD LEAK DETECTOR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and FM I/O board - No connection between FM I/O board and protective driver board - Transducer board mounted in incorrect position on FM I/O board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - Transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer - Broken FM I/O board P PTRA 000 101 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM CONDUCTIVITY CELL P (COND) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and protective driver board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - Transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer P PTRA 000 102 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM CONDUCTIVITY CELL P (TEMP) Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and protective driver board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - Transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer P PTRA 000 103 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM DIALYSIS PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and FM I/O board - No connection between FM I/O board and protective driver board - Transducer board mounted in incorrect position on FM I/O board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - Transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer - Broken FM I/O board P PTRA 000 104 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM VENOUS PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and BM I/O board - No connection between BM I/O board and protective driver board - Transducer board mounted in incorrect position on BM I/O board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - Transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer - Broken BM I/O board P PTRA 000 105 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM PH TRANSDUCER Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between MM I/O board and protective CPU board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - MM I/O board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer P PTRA 000 106 ERROR READING PARAMETERS FROM ARTERIAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - An error occurred while reading transducer parameters during init (start-up). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between transducer board and BM I/O board - No connection between BM I/O board and protective driver board - Transducer board mounted in incorrect position on BM I/O board - Incorrect transducer ID. Please update transducer ID (I2C scan). - Transducer board is broken - Serial bus error on protective CPU board - Uncalibrated transducer. Please calibrate transducer - Broken BM I/O board C Cx 000 xxx, Transition Controller C Cx 000 001 Pxxx ttt Process nr xxx out of range in transition test C Cx 000 002 Pxxx yyy State nr yyy out of range C Cx 000 003 Pxxx ttt Test nr ttt out of range in transition test C Cx 000 004 P000 xxx Process state shadow table corrupt in process xxx C Cx 000 005 Pxxx yyy Process attempt to assume non-defined state yyy C Cx 000 006 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to control process at own or higher level C Cx 000 007 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to control non-defined process C Cx 000 008 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to control non-defined function C Cx 000 009 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to duplicate process control C Cx 000 010 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to duplicate function control C Cx 000 011 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to reference non-defined event control C Cx 000 012 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to set non-defined event mode C Cx 000 013 P000 fff Non-controlled function fff C Cx 000 014 Pxxx yyy State yyy attempt to set non-existant output cross reference C Cx 000 015 jjjj iii Crossreference iii references non-existant logical output jjjj C Cx 000 016 P000 fff Function shadow table corrupt in function fff C Cx 000 017 jjjj iii Logical output corrupt. Crossreference iii references to logical output table. jjjj references to index in lit file. Unconditional error, blood pump available if x=”F” or “O” Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error ( x = Transition controller identifier [B,F,O] ) ( xxx = Process number) ( yyy = State number) C CSYS, Ctask in CPU C C CSYS 000 000 CASE ERROR O/FM_MAINSTATEFCN. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 001 ADC_TASK COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 002 FMTRC TASK COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 003 BMTRC TASK COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 004 OMTRC TASK COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 005 FCN_TASK_0 COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 007 FCN_TASK_2 COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 008 FCN_TASK_3 COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 009 FCN_TASK_4 COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 010 FCN_TASK_5 COULD NOT BE STARTED. Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 011 PROGRAM VERSION ERROR, CPU C General description of conditions for occurring: - An illegal combination of PROMS were detected at start-up Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The CPU C EPROMS are not approved (in combination with P and W) C CSYS 000 012 PROGRAM VERSION ERROR, CPU P General description of conditions for occurring: - An illegal combination of PROMS were detected at start-up Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The CPU P EPROMS are not approved (in combination with C and W) C CSYS 000 013 PROGRAM VERSION ERROR, CPU W General description of conditions for occurring: - An illegal combination of PROMS were detected at start-up Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The CPU W EPROM is not approved (in combination with C and P) C CSYS 000 014 PROGRAM VERSION ERROR, CPU C AND CPU P General description of conditions for occurring: - An illegal combination of PROMS were detected at start-up Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The CPU C and P EPROMS are not approved (in combination with W) C CSYS 000 015 PROGRAM VERSION ERROR, CPU C AND CPU W General description of conditions for occurring: - An illegal combination of PROMS were detected at start-up Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The CPU C and W EPROMS are not approved (in combination with P) C CSYS 000 016 PROGRAM VERSION ERROR, CPU P AND CPU W General description of conditions for occurring: - An illegal combination of EPROMS were detected at start-up Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The CPU P and W PROMS are not approved (in combination with C) C CSYS 000 017 REMOTE START OF WRO FAILED Unconditional error, blood pump not available Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: -Internal software error C CSYS 000 030 PROGRAM FLOW TIMEOUT General description of conditions for occurring: - A program flow timeout has been detected in CPU C. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 202 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The BMTrc_Task is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 203 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The FMTrc_Task is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 204 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The OMTrc_Task is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 205 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_0 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 206 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_1 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 207 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_2 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 208 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_3 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 209 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_4 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 210 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_5 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 210 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The Fcn_Task_6 is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 211 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The AdcTask is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 250 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The ComTask is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 251 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The SDTLog_Task is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 252 TASK TIME-OUT General description of conditions for occurring: - The DispatchTask is not running Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 300 PARALLEL COMMUNICATION STOPPED General description of conditions for occurring: - The parallel communication between CPU C and CPU P has stopped Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 301 PARALLEL COMMUNICATION ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Too many send message errors Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 302 PARALLEL COMMUNICATION ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Too many receive message errors Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 401 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 402 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C CSYS 000 403 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C EBUF 000 000, Error Code Buffer C EBUF 000 000 Error code buffer corrupt General description of conditions for occurring: - The checksum protecting the error code buffer is corrupt. Restart the AK 95 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/corrupt Safe-RAM on control CPU board C SYS and P SYS, System Errors C SYS 000 000 DIVIDE ERROR, DIVISION BY 0, IN CPU C Transient error Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 000 001 SINGLE STEP TRAP, CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory C SYS 000 002 NMI (NON MASKABLE INTERRUPT) ERROR IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 000 003 BREAKPOINT IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory C SYS 000 004 OVERFLOW IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 000 005 ARRAY BOUNDS TRAP IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 000 006 UNUSED OPCODE ERROR IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory C SYS 000 007 ESCAPE OPCODE ERROR IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory C SYS 000 008 RESERVED VECTOR IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 001 000 FLOAT ILLEGAL OPCODE IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 001 001 FLOAT REAL OVERFLOW IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 001 002 FLOAT INTEGER OVERFLOW IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error C SYS 001 003 UNDEFINED MESSAGE IN CPU C Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 000 000 DIVIDE ERROR, DIVISION BY 0, IN CPU P Transient error Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 000 001 SINGLE STEP TRAP CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory P SYS 000 002 NMI (NON MASKABLE INTERRUPT) ERROR IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 000 003 BREAKPOINT IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory P SYS 000 004 OVERFLOW IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 000 005 ARRAY BOUNDS TRAP IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 000 006 UNUSED OPCODE ERROR IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory P SYS 000 007 ESCAPE OPCODE ERROR IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt memory P SYS 000 008 RESERVED VECTOR IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 000 040 UNKNOWN INTERRUPT IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error - Broken protective CPU board P SYS 001 000 FLOAT ILLEGAL OPCODE IN CPU P Transient error Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 001 001 FLOAT REAL OVERFLOW IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 001 002 FLOAT INTEGER OVERFLOW IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P SYS 001 003 UNDEFINED MESSAGE IN CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P ENV, CPU P ENVIRONMENT P ENV 001 001 DEAIRATING CHAMBER ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The level detected in deairating chamber was both high AND low - This was detected for more than 5 seconds. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - IC 28 on protective driver board broken - Broken level switch P ENV 001 002 DEAIRATING CHAMBER HIGH LEVEL ERROR General description of conditions for occurred: -The level in the deairating chamber has been high for more than 45 seconds during treatment Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - EVVA leakage. - The tube between deairating chamber and EVVA is leaking. - Level detector could be stuck. -There has been a very high positive pressure in the chamber. This pressure is > 300 mmHg. P POW, Power ON/OFF Functions P POW 001 001 PLD VERIFY ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: PLD verify error at power up. Once every 50 ms the REMO verify signal (REMOVFY) is checked. If it is active during 100 loops (i.e. 5 seconds) then this error code is issued and an ON/OFF key activation is started. (The PONKY signal is set until REMOVFY disappears, then the PONKY signal is reset.) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken protective driver board (IC 16) P PPR, Program Flow (CPU P) P PPR 000 xxx PROGRAM FLOW ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - A program flow error was detected by CPU P Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P PSYS, System errors in CPU P P PSYS 000 401 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P PSYS 000 402 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P PSYS 000 403 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error P PREC, Recovery Functions P PREC 000 000 SAFE-RAM CHECKSUM ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: Checksum error in both recovery banks, detected at startup. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken CPU P safe-RAM P PREC 001 00x SAFE-RAM CHECKSUM ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: Checksum error in recovery bank x, detected when writing new values. If this message is not followed by P PREC 002 000, the error was repaired by copying the values of the other recovery bank. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken CPU P safe-RAM P PREC 002 000 SAFE-RAM CHECKSUM ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: Checksum error in both recovery banks, detected when writing new values. The error could not be repaired. This error is preceded by the message P PREC 001 00x Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken CPU P safe-RAM P SDT, CPU P system P SDT 003 001 CHECK SUM ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The check sum of the protective system presets is not correct. Enter service/ preset and preset the machine (make a default preset). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Broken/ new CPU P safe-RAM P SDT 004 001 CPU C DOES NOT SEND SHUT DOWN ACKNOWLEDGE Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 004 002 CPU W DOES NOT SEND SHUT DOWN ACKNOWLEDGE Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 004 003 SHUT DOWN FAILURE General description of conditions for occurring: - The AK 95 was not switched off within 5 seconds after shut down request. Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Protective driver board broken (IC16 and components) P SDT 004 004 CPU C DOES NOT SEND RESET ACKNOWLEDGE Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 004 005 CPU W DOES NOT SEND RESET ACKNOWLEDGE Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 004 006 MAIN RESET FAILURE (CPU W) Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 004 007 THE CPU P CHEM FLAG INCORRECTLY SET Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt safe-RAM P SDT 004 008 REQUEST ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - A single request of signal bmfchpart1, bmfchpart2, fmfchpart1 or fmfchpart2 has been performed. Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 004 009 REQUEST ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - The control system requested a reset to exit maintenance mode. The protective system was not in maintenance mode. Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error P SDT 038 001 PRESET ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The preset acetate concentrate bank is not set to a valid value. Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error - Corrupt SAFE -RAM (please make a default preset) P SDT 038 002 PRESET ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The preset bicarbonate concentrate bank is not set to a valid value. - Corrupt SAFE -RAM (please make a default preset) P SDT 044 001 PROGRAM FLOW ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - AK 95 was reset by CPU P due to a failure in the program flow supervision. Some possible explanations why the above error has occurred: - Internal software error - Broken communication between CPU P and CPU or CPU W - Broken protective CPU board - Broken control CPU board - Broken AC/DC unit (check the +5 voltages) W WAD, CPU W Check Sum W WAD 000 000 CPU W, CHECK SUM ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - The check sum on CPU W A/D reference value is corrupted. Calibrate the A/D converter. W WPR, Program Flow (CPU W) W WPR 000 xxx PROGRAM FLOW ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - A program flow error was detected by CPU W Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error (see table below) countRecI2C: Signal received in W environment countSendI2C: Signal sent from W environment countXOutEnv: Signal sent from W SDT countXInEnv: Signal received in W SDT Table 1. Explanation of W WPR 000 xxx xxx countRecI2C countSendI2C countXOutEnv countXInEnv 000 001 OK 002 OK 003 OK OK 004 OK 005 OK OK 006 OK OK 007 OK OK OK 008 OK 009 OK OK 010 OK OK 011 OK OK OK 012 OK OK 013 OK OK OK 014 OK OK OK 015 OK OK OK OK W WSYS, System errors in CPU W W WSYS 000 401 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error W WSYS 000 402 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error W WSYS 000 403 COMMUNICATION HANDLING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - The communication handling is malfunctioning Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error ? UDEF xxx xxx, Undefined error ? UDEF xxx xxx UNDEFINED ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: - Undefined error ! Please report to Gambro Technical Service Computer start-up sequence The table below is a brief sequence diagram of the start in each CPU. The number in brackets refer to number shown on LED display at start-up. CPU C CPU P CPU W Hardware reset from AC/DC unit. Initialization. of I/O ports. Release reset signals to CPU C and CPU P Init. of chip select logic. Init. of chip select logic. Cold or warm start?(1) If warmstart jump to A Init. I/O ports and timers. Init. of I/O ports and timers. Internal memory and register verification.(2) Cold or warm start? (1) Cold or warm start? (1) Program verification.(3) If warmstart jump to A If warmstart jump to A CPU register verification.(2) CPU register verification.(2) Data memory verification.(4) Program verification. (3) Program verification. (3) Data memory init (5) Data memory verification.(4) Data memory verification.(4) LABEL A Data memory init (5) Data memory init (5) Accomplish init.state according to ANSI C standard LABEL A LABEL A Start of C program.(6) Accomplish init.state Accomplish init.state Initialization. and start according to ANSI C standard according to ANSI C standard application OS start(6) OS start(6) Start of initialization. Start of initialization. task Function initialization. If warmstart get recover information Start all task